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in-C® evolves month after month
as great ideas are crowd-sourced
from the other presbyteries who using it.
New features are added automatically
with no change in cost.
Below are examples of upgrades that were added based on suggestions from presbyteries:
Salem and Northwest Coast Presbyteries provided smart ideas for how to expand the functionality of the Committees section. It’s automatically synced with the Presbytery Web Directory so everyone at your churches can automatically see who’s serving on each committee.
in-C® automatically counts current and future committee vacancies.
Total years and months served is displayed and that ‘warns’ in color when it’s been over 3 years.
See each member’s geographic region, click to email, and click any name to see every role they’ve ever had in the presbytery.
Easily see Male/Female, TE/RE, and Ethnicity diversity/representation counts.
Email the entire committee at once in one click.
Like with all results in in-C® you can expand the export options to print a PDF roster, print mailing labels, copy all email addresses, export to excel, or even create a google map with a marker for each person.
Many presbyteries give their Committee on Representation/Nominations a lookup only login where they can login to in-C® to use all of this information (but they can’t change any data so your admin doesn’t have to worry).
If you click “Next Year” it previews how many vacancies you’ll have in 2019 when the class of 2018 drop off.
If your click “Past” you’ll see everyone who’s ever served on the committee in the past.
When the Nominating Committee is interested in a candidate for a committee they can click any name to see every way that person has ever served, and activities they’ve participated in like attending presbytery meetings or healthy boundaries training – in one place, in context.
The Presbytery of Coastal Carolina populates their Pulpit Supply List group roles with extra notes, and then we publish those on their Presbytery Web Directory :
Visitors to their Presbytery Web Directory can Print that day’s Pulpit Supply List on their own. Any entry changes made to phone numbers or email addresses (or who should be on the Pulpit Supply List) would be immediately reflected on that timestamped PDF.
The Presbytery of New Covenant tracks how (in what capacity) people attend their Presbytery Meetings using event scenarios. This enables them to print PDF rosters of just the commissioners, or email just the commissioners, or export just the commissioners to excel, or to use the commissioners in lookups – for example, to dynamically who to email the Postlude minutes to in combination with other ministers and candidates, etc.
The Presbytery of Chicago tracks their candidates and inquirers in an Under Care group, and then tracks who their CPM Advisors are. We customized a PDF that pulls each advisor along with everyone they’re advising. They can produce this PDF in one click and in-C® automatically populates the current details, certifications, phone numbers, mailing addresses, and email addresses for each person. If someone’s phone number changes, an admin just has to search their name and change it; they do not have to dig up this PDF and change it here, or anywhere else that person might appear in PDFs and web views managed by in-C®.
Salem Presbytery tracks who’s attended Healthy Boundaries elective offerings using the Events section of in-C®, and then uses an in-C® Lookup to dynamically pull any TE’s and other ‘eligibles’ who haven’t attended an elective in the last 3 years. This makes it one click away for anyone to see who’s compliant and who isn’t, and very easy to email reminders using the export options at the end of all lookup results.
The Presbytery of New Hope tracks the outcome of their Annual Sessional Records Review using the Events section of in-C®. So now when they pull up any church record, they see every year’s results of the records review on that entry, in context.
The Presbytery of Chicago keeps track of things by region.
We customized a view that lists each region, then any churches within that region where someone has a specialized renewal contract that may be due soon, or overdue (in either case, in-C® adds a “warning” near the renewal dates to let you know). Each section also pulls in their boundary training and background check status.
Hudson River Presbytery